If you’re struggling to see the mouse cursor when using your Chromebook, don’t worry, you don’t need to resort to using a magnifying glass, there’s actually a very easy way to make your mouse cursor bigger so you’ll always be able to see it! And today, that’s exactly what I’m going to show you how to do.
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How To Make Your Mouse Bigger On A Chromebook
To increase the size of the mouse on your Chromebook, you’ll need to go into the settings. To do that, simply click on the time in the bottom right hand corner…
And then, in the menu that appears, click on the settings icon.
Now, in the settings, scroll all the way down to the bottom where you’ll find a button that says “Advanced”, and then click on “Advanced” to see all the more advanced settings.
Now, scroll all the way down to the bottom again to find the “Accessibility” section. Then, under “Accessibility”, click “Manage accessibility features”.
Now, scroll down to almost the bottom of this page until you see the heading “Mouse and touchpad”. Then, under “Mouse and touchpad”, click on the switch next to “Show large mouse cursor” to turn it on.
Now, your cursor will go up to it’s maximum size and be super big! There’s no way you’re going to miss it now!
If you want your cursor to be this big, you’re done! You can just close the settings app and enjoy your ginormous cursor. But, if you don’t want your cursor to be this big, and you just want it to be a little bit bigger than it originally was, you can simply drag the slider down a bit to adjust it.
When you first turn on the “Show large mouse cursor” switch, the size slider will be set to “Large”, but if you drag it back towards “Default”, you can shrink it down to a more reasonable size.
If you slide it back to about halfway, that will probably be a good size for most people because it’s still significantly bigger than it was, but without being ridiculously huge. But you can slide it to whatever size you want.
And that’s all there is to it! Now you can simply close the settings app and enjoy using your Chromebook with a nice big mouse.